Get more value from your online content

AdSense is a free, simple way to earn money by displaying targeted ads next to your online content. With AdSense, you can show relevant and engaging ads to your site visitors and even customize the look and feel of ads to match your website.

Watch the video to find out why over two million publishers of all sizes are using AdSense.

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Adopt a mobile strategy

Adopt a mobile strategy

Learn best tips and practices to make your website work across multiple devices with the new AdSense Multi-Screen Guidelines.

Be in the know

Find out what's new with AdSense. Check out the Inside AdSense blog and join our community of over 1M followers on the AdSense G+ page.

Watch Success Stories

Hear inspiring stories from AdSense publishers who are pursuing their passion writing content online.

Stay in control

Block ads you don't like, choose ad formats you want, and customize the look of ads to match your site.

Connect your site to your Google+ page

Get more recommendations for your site in Google search and grow your audience on Google+. Connect your site with the Google+ badge to unify +1's on your homepage with +1's on your Google+ page. Get the badge